
Hate Good Byes :-(...even for a short while!!

And even though this isn't forever and I know I knowww...past attempts at staying away haven't been successful but probably this time it could work...so wishin' everyone a happy weekend & a great week ahead:-)...I AM ON YET ANOTHER BREAK!!!!!

Had a post which i meant to put up last week but then things cropped up here at home...anyway...here it is anyway...

"Kandy Floss"

Image Hosting by PicsPlace.to anchor: Archana Puran Singh

"I was watching this show last nite “Kandy Floss” (I think that was the name)…it’s a talk show with the hostess Archana Puran Singh interviewing TV and film celebreties and a whole lot of gossip etc. One such talk was between the hostess and two TV stars…it was actually a debate where one actress made a statement “mera pati mera parmeshwar hai!” (My husband is my God!) She spoke for it and the other actress disagreed and spoke against it)…hmmm! I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion but I found the whole “hubby is God” bit a little hard to digest…it’s one thing to be in luvv and say stuff like I worship u baby! But God??!...

The actress against this said “how can you put ur hubby in the same category as God??” and the other replied…”I am making my hubby God … not God my hubby…”…???

Well…this “pati parmeshwar” thing has been in our culture for a long time…glorifying the husband and raising him to God like status has been ingrained in women but today when women are working, managing home and career successfully and at times better than men! How relevant is this notion and why not “meri patni meri Devi (Goddess) hai!”?

It’s a bit ironical when our religion worships the Goddess in the form Shakti (strength) and has umpteen festivals and religious days set aside to worship the Goddess but in reality women are not given the same stature as men?

If this isn’t hypocrisy than what is?"

Ps: I'm getting slow in replyin to all d comments here...or in visitin ppl...but i promise i will make up for it starting next week...just a hold on any new posts for sumtime...

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