
Addicted :-)

Couldn’t resist taking this quiz!

How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
You are 84% addicted to blogging!
84%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

84%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Answering some of the questions was fun!! I kind of guessed what my score was going to be :-)


I’m getting very impatient u know. 21st will see the release of the next “Harry Potter” book. In fact the last of the series and I dread to think of what after Harry Potter. For all the harry fans, it’s not about just another book! It’s about the end of a journey. A journey which has taken us to a whole new world of magic and fascinating tales…of characters who’ve become so familiar and who we relate to much like we do with our friends.

I for one am left with mixed feelings…a sense of excitement to know what next and a sense of loss at knowing….no more after this!!

I am sure all “Potter” fans are experiencing similar emotions. It’s truly going to be the end of an era…a whole generation that lived and experienced the “potter mania” as it unfolded through the past years.

Yes when my grandkids read these books (if I live long enough), I will tell them about all the hype every time a book released….how the movies ran to packed theatres…how crazy we were about it all!!

I will miss it… I truly will… the only consolation is that there are still two more movies to wait and watch…

I guess if I get the book on time … I pre ordered on the net u see… I will be quite inaccessible through the next week or till I get done with the book. I intend to savor each and every word…:-)


The last thing of course is the big birthday bash this Sunday which has kept me busy most evenings…sending out invites, packing return gifts and settling details. All is more or less settled. There’s also a science exhibition in V’s school on sat. A busy weekend again. And no school tomorrow because of the exhibition. Phew…

That’s it for today!

Ps: Got a new Jukebox on the sidebar....pick a song and enjoy... :))... currently bollywood music only but I'm working on more playlists!!

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