Sorry for the lack of inspiration @ post title. I’m tired…veryyyy tired. Had a mixed weekend…Kinda good…kinda bad. The bad pertains to a friend’s personal issues which is why, I will talk about the good only. Hmmm, one of my better qualities I’d like to believe is the fact that I am a good listener. But in hearing out any of my friend’s problems I find myself getting emotionally stressed. I hate to see anyone I am close to in any kind of trouble and especially in the kind of trouble where I can’t do much to help ‘cept hear them out!
Now talking about the good times, we had a lovely Saturday evening with friends from Rajiv’s work place. The couple hosting the dinner have a beautiful house and conversation, food and drinks flowed. The same night, we had another dinner invitation in the same area itself. By sheer coincidence, both the invitations were from Rajiv’s friend Tina and my friend Tina! So we spent the night party hopping from Tina’s place to Tina’s place! Vedant was left with his Grandma (R’s mom) and his cousins. We got back to my in laws at 4am…only to be woken up at 6am by Vedant on Sunday morning which left us groggy through out the rest of the day! :-(
I like such parties with not too many people around and where people can have some good conversation. More importantly, where the house is not left in a whole lot of mess!! Which is one of the reasons why I dread having big parties at home and limit the number to two…one for Vedant’s birthday (You have no clue what I went through last Sunday!) and of course, our now famous Christmas Eve parties (where we forewarn our neighbors that it’s going to get LOUD!). But like I was saying, it’s the smaller gatherings that I really like and where I find the whole evening relaxing. Couple of good friends dropping in for no special reason and sometimes people spending the weekend with us, that’s something I enjoy. I like going to the movies with friends too…mostly I end up going with R or Vedant or both. With friends it’s rare and when I do get the chance, I love spending time after the movie, having coffee or some dessert and catching up with stuff.
Well, I meant to write about Vedant’s birthday last week but then the whole ban ruckus came up along with a lot of conspiracy theories! Anyway, I’ve kind of recovered (!) from the birthday experience. I have few pics from that day and if my connection is merciful, I’ll put them up in the pic blog along with some other pics left pending from the trip!
Yesterday I spent much of the day watching the rescue of the lil boy who was trapped in a 50 ft deep pit for close to 50 hours!! The whole thing was all over the news channels and I for one was left feeling quite traumatized watching the poor kid and trying to imagine his state of mind and worse still, that of his mother. And there was this journalist asking “how did u feel when u found out your son is trapped? How did you feel as the hours passed??”….what shit! All that the woman wanted right then was her son and she had to be subjected to all these questions?! I can’t even begin to imagine what I would have felt. And had I been in her place with all these journalists asking me stupid obvious questions, I’d have given them hell!
He’s safe now…thank God. And it was truly heartening to watch people of all faiths praying to see the lil child safe…
One last thing before I go to bed. I have one more thing on my mind; it has to do with anonymous comments. I’m trying to understand why someone would want to put up an anonymous comment…I mean if u have a point, don’t you have the conviction to put it across without hiding yourself? I am of course talking about those comments which raise a debate and warrant some attention! I am not talking about those anonymous comments which are posted just to humiliate or upset people (and thankfully, I haven’t got many such!). But then like I said in my reply to the last anonymous comment I received, I am a really patient kind of person and I do give a lot of attention to everyone! Lol…in fact, at times I even catch myself thinking….poor anon would be upset if I don’t put this up!!! Okk fine don’t give me that look…that’s just the way I am! *grin* and puhleez don’t go posting anon comments just to bug me!
And saw the following quiz on Kathy’s blog, so u know me I just had to try it out :-) and the results were quite contrary to what I expected!!
Now talking about the good times, we had a lovely Saturday evening with friends from Rajiv’s work place. The couple hosting the dinner have a beautiful house and conversation, food and drinks flowed. The same night, we had another dinner invitation in the same area itself. By sheer coincidence, both the invitations were from Rajiv’s friend Tina and my friend Tina! So we spent the night party hopping from Tina’s place to Tina’s place! Vedant was left with his Grandma (R’s mom) and his cousins. We got back to my in laws at 4am…only to be woken up at 6am by Vedant on Sunday morning which left us groggy through out the rest of the day! :-(
I like such parties with not too many people around and where people can have some good conversation. More importantly, where the house is not left in a whole lot of mess!! Which is one of the reasons why I dread having big parties at home and limit the number to two…one for Vedant’s birthday (You have no clue what I went through last Sunday!) and of course, our now famous Christmas Eve parties (where we forewarn our neighbors that it’s going to get LOUD!). But like I was saying, it’s the smaller gatherings that I really like and where I find the whole evening relaxing. Couple of good friends dropping in for no special reason and sometimes people spending the weekend with us, that’s something I enjoy. I like going to the movies with friends too…mostly I end up going with R or Vedant or both. With friends it’s rare and when I do get the chance, I love spending time after the movie, having coffee or some dessert and catching up with stuff.
Well, I meant to write about Vedant’s birthday last week but then the whole ban ruckus came up along with a lot of conspiracy theories! Anyway, I’ve kind of recovered (!) from the birthday experience. I have few pics from that day and if my connection is merciful, I’ll put them up in the pic blog along with some other pics left pending from the trip!
Yesterday I spent much of the day watching the rescue of the lil boy who was trapped in a 50 ft deep pit for close to 50 hours!! The whole thing was all over the news channels and I for one was left feeling quite traumatized watching the poor kid and trying to imagine his state of mind and worse still, that of his mother. And there was this journalist asking “how did u feel when u found out your son is trapped? How did you feel as the hours passed??”….what shit! All that the woman wanted right then was her son and she had to be subjected to all these questions?! I can’t even begin to imagine what I would have felt. And had I been in her place with all these journalists asking me stupid obvious questions, I’d have given them hell!
He’s safe now…thank God. And it was truly heartening to watch people of all faiths praying to see the lil child safe…
One last thing before I go to bed. I have one more thing on my mind; it has to do with anonymous comments. I’m trying to understand why someone would want to put up an anonymous comment…I mean if u have a point, don’t you have the conviction to put it across without hiding yourself? I am of course talking about those comments which raise a debate and warrant some attention! I am not talking about those anonymous comments which are posted just to humiliate or upset people (and thankfully, I haven’t got many such!). But then like I said in my reply to the last anonymous comment I received, I am a really patient kind of person and I do give a lot of attention to everyone! Lol…in fact, at times I even catch myself thinking….poor anon would be upset if I don’t put this up!!! Okk fine don’t give me that look…that’s just the way I am! *grin* and puhleez don’t go posting anon comments just to bug me!
And saw the following quiz on Kathy’s blog, so u know me I just had to try it out :-) and the results were quite contrary to what I expected!!
Your Love Style is Eros |
Uh-oh! Now that’s news for me too…okkk! Lol…so much for censoring on this blog! By the way, I do have a post coming up on that, i.e. “Censoring in my blog!”…Who knows some answers to questions sought by the curious minded might be answered :-)
Hope all of you have a good week ahead…now I’m off to catch up with everyone’s blog and posts!
Ps: The music playing is “crush” by Jennifer Paige! I had this song in my blog sometime back too :-)…*sigh*…lines from the song “It's just a little crush (crush), Not like I faint every time we touch.It's just some little thing (crush) Not like everything I do depends on you”… Yep I’m still in the mushy kind of mood I was when I put up the last song… ;-)!!
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