U know a lot of guys tell me pink puts them off...pink is too feminine...yeah so?? :p ... I love it! In the pic here u'll see enough proof of that :-)
While on "pink" I also luvv strawberries...esp. strawberry ice cream...mmmmmmmm:)...and top it with strawberry crush...*sigh* blisss....!!!
Tomorrow, early morning, I leave for Mumbai. Too early if u ask me :( ... I'll probably have to leave the house at 3:30 am!!! And to make matters worse, the infamous Delhi fog (smog!) is back and it's terribly cold also. So yes the chances of a long wait at the airport are high!
But the thought of warmer climate in Mumbai is the silver lining in this cloud...I did pack quite a few warm clothes though...lol...I just can't seem to get it into my head that it just won't be cold there!! hmmmm!! More so when I'm sitting here typing this post out in this cold room and taking time out to sit on my hands :p .. he he..
I've been very negative and upset in the past couple of posts and yes not without any reason. But like the post title says "Not every day is the same..." and Thank God for that! Coz I was upset enough to want to quit blogging...which as people really close to me would know has been the best thing to have happened to me so far! And...will continue to be....
On that positive note, I wanna just say thank you for being there and putting up with the totally crazy (but justified) mood swings...like I said, sometimes it's just enough to hear someone say they care....they understand...! That makes all the difference...
I've already wished you all, haven't I :-)? Have a Lovely Christmas and Happy New Year:-)!
We had the church carol singers at home last night...and while we prayed...for loved ones, friends and family...I said a lil prayer for all of you...God bless...
Ps: Since I'm all smiles and happy...wanna share this song from Dhoom 2 (No I haven't seen the movie yet and I guess at this rate I never will!!!)...Have a blast this New Years ppl!!! Dhoom machaa le :p
Oh btw the song playing in the sidebar is also a favorite "While my guitar gently weeps" by The Beatles :)...enjoy!
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