
Happy Holidays...

I've been meaning to write here for a while now but things keep me busy at home. Mostly preparing for the trip to BBSR and weekends have been quite eventful. One of the more pleasant and fun events being an evening spent with cousins. Some of whom I haven't met up in ages. Besides that a wedding another evening. Loads of shopping. Getting the house ready for guests :) .... and of course even when I did get online to sit and write, I ended up chatting with friends or simply reading through blogs and as you know, I do have quite a few I don't like missing out on!

I haven't replied to the comments on the previous post. I'll try and do that as soon as I get done with putting up this post. It's always encouraging when people read through and share their opinions. It makes me want to get back and write more often...

Speaking of getting back, I'm glad Keshi's back to writing...I can't imagine this place without her! If there's one thing I have to thank blogs for .. it's definitely for the few people I've come to call friends and cherish in my life. It's true something positive comes out of everything we do. They're the reason why I still get back and the reason why no matter how negative I feel sometimes, I don't stay that way for long. I hope John changes his mind and comes back yet again to blogging...hmmm?

This post is simply to wish them and every reader who gets here intentionally or simply happens to stumble upon my blog a very happy holiday season! :) I know I have exciting times to look forward to.....ssshhhhh :) ..... more about all that when I get back next year!! While I'm gone, I've borrowed these question's from Rajbir's blog...hoping some of you who do know me will get around here to answer them :)

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Something I have and YOU want?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression of me?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. How do you see me in the future?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?

As expected I will not be putting up any further posts till I get back. But will be checking my mails and maybe...uhm....maybe on chat sometimes! So till next time....

Wishing the year ahead brings you all success, joy, reasons to smile and celebrate fun times with loved ones...special someone...!

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