
New Look!

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Don't u get tired of the same luk every day??! When I get bored with the way I look, I experiment with hair cuts or styles...and off late with hair color!

Well...that's pretty much why u're seeing the change in my blog...new template and color scheme! and also coz some ppl had a prob with the previous one not being too clear...ummm..I guess that was 'coz of the white background. Soooo I went for a drastic change to Black! But then again I wanted a colorful look and I think I got the whole effect right:-)... which is why I like d above pic too...I luvv d colors!!

However, since I can never make up my mind about stuff like this...I still have the old one saved...just incase!:-)...I'm sure all of you will notice (!!) the change and let me know what you think!...!

And since I don't have anything specific to write about...I'll just go ahead and post another poem in my new space
pOeMs 'n' QuOtEs

Ps: This template change is still "Work In Progress!"...and I'm open to any interesting ideas...

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